Clinical Psychologist
Dr Esther Hansen

Dr Esther Hansen has over 15 years experience in clinical practice in the public and private sector. She has extensive experience working with ill-health, injury and surgery and their effect on emotional well-being.
Dr Hansen offers specialist therapy for adults who feel their health or body is having a negative impact on their well-being. She also provides a range of specialist psychological assessments for those seeking medical or surgical treatments, such as risk-reducing mastectomy or cosmetic surgery.
Dr Hansen is fully registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and the British Psychological Society.

Clinical Psychology Services
Living with illness
Working with you to help you find ways of coping better with your health problems.
Mental health and trauma
Helping you understand your own response to a traumatic event and the symptoms that are troubling you.
Body image
Reduce pre-occupation with concerns about appearance so that it interferes less with day to day life.
Assessment before surgery
Specialist psychological assessment for those seeking cosmetic surgery, risk-reducing surgery or complex surgeries. Ensuring positive outcomes after treatment in both health and emotional well-being.
Private Patients, Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street
+44 (0)20 3637 0796
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If you wish to discuss personal or sensitive information then you may prefer to call on (0044) 020 3637 0796.